Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Late Mr Teo Beng Hock

Within activists circle, personally the death of Beng Hock was meant more. More than a loss to his family. More than a loss to his comrades. He was fortitude against the unusual wicked force of reinforcement institutions. Many of us firmly have prevalent prejudices toward the credibility of justice institution. Sceptical, illogical and racist outlined by several questionable witnesses in media controlled government are separately adrifts from the alternative media sources.
The main lesson from the incident is the rule of law must prevails. Any democratic country, law enforcement should unfettered from the interference of wield of power (executive). Fetter the enforcement institutions renders the complicity in the 'suicide' of Beng Hock. His persistence, bringing up to better society should be remembered. As new activist, I pay my highly respect to the late Teo beng Hock and his family. Condolences
May God Bless Mr Teo and his Family.


Abdul Hadi Awang was reported from MalaysiaKini, 11 of July "semua pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini keputusannya memihak kepada kita. Cuma di Batang Ai sahaja kita kalah sebab mereka ini tidak reti undi, pakai cawat lagi. Saya bukan nak hina tetapi yang pakai molek, undi PAS"
This is another attempt to undermine the sake of Dayaks. Point of view, Hadi earned precarious living as Muslim politician. Pathetic statement of pious Muslim leader Hadi is absolutely repudiated by the Dayaks. Literally speaking, he demonstrates no mutual respect in multiracial, prosperity nation and seems failed to acknowledge the cultures and our civilization. Apart of it, as a long run politician, he should know such remarks is implausible. I believe that such remark will impeding their pave way to shaken off current government ans supplant them with new hope, if they succeed. Conversely, their remark only lead to chimera dream for the next State Election. Dayak political leaders reaction of Hadi's statement are tempest here, Sarawak. There is no state of requisite for me to illustrates each reaction from Dayak leaders. Too many reaction, too many action been taken including irrational burning the flags. The attitude apparently epitomized and win the mind of Dayaks interest, in spite of the fact that lacking of progressive, massive development efforts on basic necessities such as water supplies, electricity and wide communication, especially rural areas.
Perhaps, on the other hand, Dr John Brian Anthony, of Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) rectification on fatal remark of Hadi should be pondered. Five decades of Independence, Dayaks, in the eyes of Federal Government 1Malaysia concept remain less significant than any races. Rhetoric to another rhetoric, we are wilt to bend our ear of deaf government. Dayaks are Malaysian. We aRe citizens of universal suffrage. We deserve to beneficiary every yield of public policies in the country. Nevertheless, in many aspect of living, yet Dayaks still 'sustainable low run' in modern Malaysia history. Hadi's remarks has been at the center of political controversy. I appeasing of no one. I have many respected comrades from diversity of races which all of us devoting, upholding democracy and the rule of law. All Malaysians must come together, preaching unity transcend the age of Mankind. If PAS chief unable to refuting miscontrueness among Dayak leaders prudently, I may assure them Dayaks low trust and lustre toward Pakatan Rakyat will irrevocable. Noting here, official apologize from PAS leadership at least appease the Dayaks. Again, Dayaks are not politically gullible.